Thursday, May 5, 2011

I'm a Fan Girl

Fangirl; n.: a female who supports an idea, trend, company etc, with an intensity bordering crazy.

Here's the deal, I'm not crazy (sorta, kinda). I just love books, and because I love books, I love the people who write those books. With the entry of Twitter to the world of Social Media, it's become easy to have a conversation with authors who were otherwise unreachable - except when they tour. So when one of my favourite authors respond to my tweets well, I usually have a moment of excitement, then I carry on with whatever I'm doing.

So when Scott Westerfeld retweeted my Behemoth tweets? *yay*

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1 comment:

  1. thanks for the comment! i dont know how joe is, we broke up unfortunately.but i am sure he's doing well. my son's father is a different gentleman. his pic is on my fb profile somewhere.

    my family is well. all is well, God is gracious.

